Homosexuality Justification and Social Distance. A Cross-Cultural Approach from Latin America Using World Values Survey Data


The social and legal situation of lesbian, gay men, bisexual, and transgender people (LGBT) has improved in recent years. At the same time, attitudes toward LGBT populations have changed over time, increasingly into more favorable opinions of LGBT people. However, despite this promising scenario, stigmatization, prejudice, and discrimination still persist, as well as hate crimes against LGBT people. Various studies have shown the persistence of these violence acts as a social stressor that affects the well-being and quality of life of LGBT people, who experience detrimental effects in their physical and mental health compared to non-LGBT population. The foregoing makes it essential to know the situation of each country and the region regarding this issue. Empirical LGBT research has mostly focused on Northamerican and European samples. Then, it is essential to know the situation of the Central and South regions specially Latin American countries. From a psychosocial and cross-cultural perspective, we used information available form World Values Survey to analyze attitudes toward LGBT people and their evolution in Latin American countries.

Todas las publicaciones
Latinx Queer Psychology pp 127–139
